Thursday, September 8, 2016

So with this first piece I want it to be my opening for the rest of the year. The important thing I want to convey is the beginning to the end of sugarcoating and allowing the hard conversations to happen. As of now I want to do this through contrast and texture. I am playing with the idea of feathers and stone to represent the normal conversations we have day to day, and the downplaying and sugarcoating that happens a lot. The stones will represent the hard truth that is often hidden. I am still trying to figure out how I am going to convey this image specifically. However, I know I want to make the illusion of the stone coming through the feathers so there will be a lot of play with layers in this project. 


  1. So are you doing a digital piece ? Or a sculpture or ? Like what kind of media are you using , you hinted to photoshop because of layers, but are you going to be taking the pictures your self, if it is photoshop?

  2. groovy baby, think like a feather supporting a rock or something, idk maybe bend but not break?? I dig the contrast, heavy / light, flying / ground, etc.. I'm excited to see what you do, don't forget the passion (not that you will) but i will never forget you coming in and making that fist piece in one class block, you wouldnt let anything get in your way, you just let it flow! radical, good looks for the future. ∆

  3. this is a very good plan, I really like the sugary sweet kind of aesthetic used to tackle these things, I think u should find a way to put candy in this

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love this juxtaposition. Blog notes: careful proof reading before hitting that publish button!
